Templars, Harry Potter, Tim LaHae, Ishmael, and String Theory

Sunday, March 12, 2006

How Harry Potter set my travels in motion.

I read Harry Potter on Myrtle Beach in 2003. I googled some of the characters in this fictional book. I was surprised to learn that this was a real man whose profession was alchemy. On his death, his house was literally torn apart to look for the "sorceror's stone". Interesting to note that Nicaolas Flamel also appears on Dan Brown's list of Grand Masters of the Priory de Sion in the DaVinci Code (which I read after this exploration began). In tracking the legend of the Sorceror' Stone, I discovered it began in Sumer prior to the time the Judeo-Christian Abrahm left Ur (Genesis of the Grail Kings, L. Gardener, 1999).
While I had not began on a religous pusuit, I was fascinated that Mary Magdelene, the Templar/ Free-Mason tradition and Physics as I understand it. Due to this persistent nexus, I could not help but to begin to question current teachings of modern organized religion. However, it stegnthened my belief in a higher power, and the message of Jesus. I repeat, I DID NOT BEGIN AS A RELIGIOUS JOURNEY. It is the nexus of popular culturr that caught my attention, and how it supported my understanding of current string theory in physics, and meta-physics as I have had experience with it.


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